Sauteed Leek Scapes and Radishes

Recipes posted a year ago:

June is here and that always means summer is on the way and most importantly we can’t wait for Thursdays to pick up our CSA.  We highly suggest buying organic and local if possible.  Your food will quite literally go from farm to table making it the freshest and most delicious you can possibly get.  Our CSA with April Joy Farm never disappoints!  This week was lots of greens with arugula, mizuna, oregano, kohlrabi, romaine lettuce, and leek scapes.

We were making steak for dinner tonight and I thought the leek scapes along with some radishes and garlic would make a great side.  I was right!

Gather Up:

  • 4 leek scapes, chopped
  • 2 large radishes, chopped thin
  • 2 cloves of garlic, or a very large one, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons butter from grassfed source or coconut oil

Cut the top of the leek scapes off, right below the bulb then chop into small pieces, cut the radishes and garlic thin.

Heat the butter or coconut oil in a sauté pan on med-low and add all ingredients.  Let sauté for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.  Make sure not to take a big huge whiff as it smells great, but the garlic and leek vapors may cause your eyes to water!

Serve as a side or as a topping to your favorite meat.

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